About + Services
Our Mission:
“Providing medical and dental care for low income individuals in need through the kindness and charity of others.”
About Fountain Clinic
The Fountain Clinic began in May of 1992. It was the vision of Dr. James Maher. His idea was to have physicians, nurses, physician assistants, and nurse practitioners donate two hours of their time per month to see low-income and uninsured patients in a clinic setting. Our first clinic was in the old Tanner House, which was located where Oaklawn Hospital’s parking ramp now stands. We initially tried running the clinic with all volunteers but quickly realized that we needed a paid employee to manage the volunteers. When the Tanner House was demolished to make room for the parking ramp, we moved into the yellow Brooks House across the street. By this time, we had hired a director and a nurse. After a few years, the number of patients had grown and we knew we needed a new location. It was at this time that Dr. Burris was preparing to retire and made it possible for us to purchase his office. This has been the home of the Fountain Clinic ever since.
Dr. Maher’s original vision is still alive and well today. However, in addition to volunteer clinicians, we now also have two paid nurse practitioners, two registered nurses, a dental hygienist, two support staff, and an executive director. The Clinic is located in downtown Marshall, two blocks from Oaklawn Hospital. We offer primary medical and dental care to folks that are uninsured and below 300% of the poverty level ($43,000-family of 2, $90,000-family of 4). We also offer mental health services through a collaboration with Starr Commonwealth. Additionally, we are the fiduciaries for the Calhoun County Senior Millage dental and prescription programs.

Important Information
Who do we help?
The Fountain Clinic helps those whose yearly income is below 250% of the Federal Poverty Guidlines, and are uninsured or underinsured.
Contact our office at 269-781-0952 to find out if you are eligible.
When are we open?
The Fountain Clinic is open Monday - Friday 8:00am-4:00pm.
The clinic closes for lunch daily from Noon to 1 pm, and occasionally for meetings, so patients should always phone 269-781-0952 before coming.
New patient forms
Fill these out and bring them with you to your appointment along with a drivers license or photo ID and proof of income (pay stub, last year's income tax return, etc.). There is no charge but a $5 donation is requested.
Clinics are provided, staffed by physicians, physician assistants, and our Nurse Practitioner, and are held 3-4 days a week. In most cases, Clinics are held by appointment.
A registered Nurse is on site 5 days a week.
Most Tests ordered by the Fountain Clinic providers during clinics are covered.
Dental services
Dental services are $5 cleanings and screenings for low income and uninsured. The Fountain Clinic also provides some extractions and fillings for a $25 charge per tooth if you qualify for the Dental Partnership program.
People needing help with prescriptions may be eligible for assistance through pharmaceutical companies' programs.
The Fountain Clinic is not a pharmacy. Prescriptions are only provided to the Fountain Clinic patients through the programs mentioned above. Controlled substances are not prescribed or dispensed.
Optical referrals
Optical referrals are available for Marshall Residents or anyone with a letter from the Albion Lion's Club.
Diabetic Classes
Call for details.
Prescription assistance & dental assistance is provided to senior citizens 60 and older who meet Calhoun County Senior Millage guidelines.
The Fountain Clinic DOES NOT COVER HOSPITAL CHARGES, including emergency room visits.
Our staff has certified counselors available to assist with questions and applications for the Marketplace or the Healthy Michigan Medicaid Insurance Plans.